Future Architecture Platform

Participants of Future Architecture Platform Conference in Ljubljana, 2016
Participants of Future Architecture Platform Conference in Ljubljana, 2016

The first pan-European platform presenting ideas for the future of architecture.

In 2016, Amateur Cities was selected to be a part of the first 25 Future Architecture Platform (FAP) cohort of emerging talents to participate in a year-long program of various cultural events organized by the member organizations of FAP. Between February and October 2016 we took part in the FAP Conference in Ljubljana, CANactions Festival in Kyiv, and a conference in Wroclaw. In all these events we explored different socio-political aspects of amateurism. 

As a part Future Architecture Platform two our work has been featured in two publications Archifutures: The Studio published by dpr-barcelona and edited by &beyond in 2016 and Future Architecture Book published by MAO in 2021 and ddited by Milan Dinevski and Damjan Kokalevski.

The Future Architecture platform (1 Nov 2015–31 Oct 2021) was the first pan-European architecture platform for future architecture.

Participants of Future Architecture Platform Conference in Ljubljana, 2016

It connected emerging talents to institutions, museums, galleries, publishing houses, biennials, and festivals which organized the European Architecture Program of exhibitions, conferences, workshops, publications, prototyping and more. The aim of the platform was to identify and explore new models of creative work that could provide future generations in Europe with a more stable perspective, thus contributing to a more harmonious development of the European economy, living environment and society as a whole. Through the course of 6-years Future Architecture evolved into a well-balanced ecosystem of European cultural players in architecture.