
Nearest Neighbour

How to use maker ethic, creative tinkering, and critical thinking to strengthen citizenship? The Nearest Neighbour was a research collaboration between Creative Coding Utrecht, Creative Urban Methods of Utrecht University, and Amateur Cities with the objective of learning how to think critically about the relationship between urban politics of space and technology through hands-on creative […]
Book cover Kto Odzyska Plac Defilad?

Kto Odzyska Plac Defilad?

In this book, published by the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw on the occasion of the 9th edition of the Warsaw Under Construction Festival of Architecture Tomasz Fudala, Werner Huber, Grzegorz Mika, Michał Murawski, Ania Molenda and Cristina Ampatzidou, Artur Jerzy Filip, Marlena Happach, Magda Grabowska, Aleksandra Litorowicz, Bogna Świątkowska, and Tim Tompkins write and discuss how to turn a parking lot into an urban square, the shadow of Stalin and the Palace complex.

Archifutures: The Studio

The Studio is the second book in the Archifutures series conceived by dpr-barcelona and &beyond collective for The Future Architecture Platform. This volume’s focus is on cutting-edge thinking and wider theoretical questions and themes that underpin the series, from reflections upon what our ideas of the “future” really mean to the changing role of the architecture profession as a whole.
Article: Wishful Thinking
very large bike

Very Large Bike (VLB), United Micro Kingdoms

What if we started to modify our bodies to make them fitter and more suitable for the environment we are living in rather than modifying the environment? The VLB project by Dunne and Raby depicts a fictive scenario for a society that abandons the use of technology and concentrates on using science to maximize their […]