Feminist Economies Collective

We create contexts to break the crisis of imagination in capitalist realism.

Together with others, we imagine futures, in which shared values are no longer primarily appropriated for profit and accumulation of wealth but open up new perspectives on economic realities. Through this process, we build fragments of new worlds based on feminist values, facilitating local communities, resource sharing, or other forms of collectivity. 

Feminist Economies Collective grew out of the work on Feminist Finance Zine and Syllabus. It was created by Ania Molenda and Inte Gloerich and is affiliated with Amateur Cities. Rather than understanding feminism narrowly as a fight for gender equality, we take a more fundamental value-based approach that imagines an economy based on feminist values such as trust, care, and attention. We create experiments that make such care-ful interpretations of the economy more tangible by combining knowledge from architecture, activism, and digital culture.

Feminist Economies Collective organizes workshops, creative sessions, and presentations. Thus far we have collaborated with Over the IJ Festival, the ARIAS Care Ecologies working group, and the Transition in Motion hybrid research community at Utrecht University.

Feminist Economies Collective at the makers meeting organised by Over het IJ Festival.
Feminist Economies Collective at the makers meeting organised by Over het IJ Festival.