Amateur Cities

Here and Now? Explorations in Urgent Publishing

Here and Now? Explorations in Urgent Publishing cover
Here and Now? Explorations in Urgent Publishing cover

Urgent publishing pertains both to timeliness and relevance. What strategies are available to publishers in the cultural and research domains to conceive, produce, and position their contents in an urgent way?

Revolving around the key notions of relations, trust, and remediation Here and Now? Explorations in Urgent Publishing presents methods and prototypes that counter the contemporary speedy information sphere in new and different ways. It develops a situated account of hybrid publishing, where authors, editors, publishers, designers, and readers operate together.

This publication concludes a two-year applied research project Making Public (SIA-RAAK-MKB-project Maak het publiek). The book presents the results of this project, led by the Institute of Network Cultures in collaboration with 1001 Publishers, Amateur Cities, Amsterdam University Press, ArtEZ University of the Arts, Hackers & Designers, Mind Design, Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Open!, Open Set, Puntpixel, Studio BLT, Valiz, and Willem de Kooning Academy. Here and Now? Explorations in Urgent Publishing was first published as a semi-private, highly exclusive, time-released publishing experiment. For seven weeks, every week one chapter was distributed to subscribers of an e-mail list. Now it is also available in PDF and paperback format.