
Housing debate: Alternatives to Ownership

On Thursday, the 28th of March Amateur Cities organised a housing debate Alternatives to Ownership at the Independent School for the City in Rotterdam. During the evening, we discussed ways out of the housing crisis and how to diversify forms of home ownership in the future. | In het Nederlands hieronder | The debate Alternatives to Ownership was the last of three public […]

Woondebat: Vormgeven aan (samen)leven

Het publieke programma Vormgeven aan (samen)leven, georganiseerd door Amateur Cities bij CASA/NiCo, in Arnhem vond plaats op 30 november 2023. De avond maakt deel uit van een drietal publieke evenementen rondom het thema Anders werken aan wonen, als onderdeel van het gelijknamige programma van het Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie. | English version below | Tijdens het woondebat Vormgeven aan (samen)leven was de ‘normaliteit’ van […]

Building and Dwelling

Lecture and debate with Richard Sennett, Jess Bier and Tina Rahimy In his book Building and Dwelling renowned urbanist Richard Sennett demonstrates the profound effect that the design of cities has upon the everyday experience of those who dwell in them. Through it all, Sennett laments that the ‘closed’ city―segregated, regimented, and controlled―has spread from […]
New Utopians at TENT. Photo by Aad Hoogendoorn.

New Utopians

Debate on the future of Rotterdam with Cookies, Elfie Tromp and Urland Rotterdam is perhaps the most diverse city in the Netherlands, and by 2025, it will become more diverse than ever. What does this mean for the city’s future? How does Rotterdam give form to this transformation? The range of diversity is one of […]
02.18.2016 — 02.20.2016
Ania Molenda presenting at Future Architecture Platform Conference in Ljubljana, 2016

Matchmaking Conference

We Need to Learn Cities Anew, not as Masters but as Amateurs. As part of the emerging talent cohort Future Architecture Platform (FAP) in 2016, Amateur Cities was invited to the first Matchmaking Conference at the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO), in Ljubljana, Slovenia. During the event all 25 selected participants presented their visions […]

Woondebat: Bouwen met een langdurig perspectief

Het debat Bouwen met een langdurig perspectief georganiseerd door Amateur Cities vond plaats op donderdag 8 februari 2024 bij Waag Futurelab in Amsterdam. Tijdens de avond keken we naar de woonopgave en de toekomst van ons wonen, en naar hoe we écht langdurige relaties met het landschap en onze zowel menselijke als niet-menselijke buren op kunnen bouwen.  Het debat maakte […]

Debatreeks: Anders werken aan wonen

Nederland staat voor een complexe woonopgave. In het licht hiervan organiseert Amateur Cities vanaf het najaar van 2023 een drietal publieksevents rond het thema Anders werken aan wonen, als onderdeel van het gelijknamige programma van het Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie.  Binnen het programma Anders werken aan wonen worden 15 projecten ontwikkeld, waarin wordt onderzocht hoe de […]
10.12.2016 — 10.14.2016
Production, the City and its Culture Conference, Wroclaw 2016

Production, the City and its Culture

Presentation at a Conference of the Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw. ‘Production, the City and its Culture’ was a conference organized by the Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw on the occasion of Wroclaw as a European Capital of Culture in 2016. The event was curated by Tomaz Pipan and involved several participants to The Future […]
Ania Molenda presenting at CANactions Festival 2016 in Kyiv.

CANactions Festival

Amateur Cities presenting at 2016 edition titled ‘Resilient Architecture‘. The exhibition and conference at the CANactions Festival 2016 titled ‘Resilient Architecture’ addressed various topics that emerged out of the Future Architecture Platform’s open call. It related to the burning issues of contemporary architecture, like energy (from fossils to renewables, from buildings as consumers to buildings […]
Participants of Future Architecture Platform Conference in Ljubljana, 2016

Future Architecture Platform

​The first pan-European platform presenting ideas for the future of architecture. In 2016, Amateur Cities was selected to be a part of the first 25 Future Architecture Platform (FAP) cohort of emerging talents to participate in a year-long program of various cultural events organized by the member organizations of FAP. Between February and October 2016 […]