Editorial guidelines


Amateur Cities publishes articles that collect, analyse and clarify contemporary urban and technological development interesting for learning cities anew – not as masters, but as amateurs. If you think you can contribute to this dialogue get in touch! We are always glad to receive contributions by critical minds from different backgrounds.

Articles in Amateur Cities are generally quite lengthy, so before embarking on the effort of putting together a 2000 word text, send us a 500 word abstract with your idea and proposed format. Keep in mind that submitting an idea doesn’t mean automatic inclusion. We welcome opinion articles, interviews, analytical studies, data visualizations, images or collages etc.

Final submissions should be between 1000-2000 words and edited using the Harvard referencing system. We try to balance between academic and everyday vocabulary but we value citations and cross-references. Given Amateur Cities’ broad readership, don’t assume that everyone understands your professional jargon.



Texts should be submitted in .doc format and illustrations in .jpeg or .tiff, RGB and min 1000 pixels wide. Please include a numbered list of all illustrations and provide the following information for each: name of photographer or artist, name of copyright holder, or “no copyright”, illustration source and caption. Finally, don’t forget to include your own portrait photo and ±50 word bio.

We look forward to receiving your ideas at editorial@amateurcities.com

We will get back to you at our earliest convenience.

We make every effort to ask permission for images. If you are the copyright holder of an image published in Amateur Cities and believe that it is not correctly attributed, contact us.
